What to do when having an allergic reaction

Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, you’ve likely experienced a skin reaction at some point. Perhaps you were eager to try a new product, skipped the patch test, and ended up with an itchy, red rash. While typical skin may react occasionally, those with sensitive skin often experience irritation more frequently, sometimes even without the introduction of new products.

To identify what’s triggering allergic reactions on your face, start by documenting your daily habits to spot any patterns. Consider factors such as your diet, skincare routine, and even changes in laundry detergents. Understanding the root cause of your rash is crucial, but immediate relief is often the priority when dealing with itchy, red bumps or hives.

To soothe your skin, begin by applying an anti-inflammatory cream containing 0.5% hydrocortisone, mixed with equal parts aloe vera gel. This combination provides relief by calming inflammation and cooling the skin, addressing both discomfort and hydration needs.

Next, use cold treatments to alleviate redness and swelling. Gently rub the affected area with a Cryo Sculpting Roller or an ice cube. The cold will help reduce inflammation and numb the skin slightly, easing your discomfort.

If you notice the signs of an allergic reaction, taking an antihistamine like Benadryl can help. Allergic reactions trigger histamine production, which leads to inflammation and rashes. Antihistamines work to block this response, offering relief from hives, itching, and redness.

During this time, simplify your skincare routine. Avoid using serums or exfoliating products, and instead, opt for a gentle cleanser and moisturizer like Cetaphil. This approach will help prevent further irritation while your skin heals. Once your rash has fully resolved, you can gradually reintroduce your regular skincare products.

Remember, while rashes may appear suddenly, they require time to heal completely. If you’re experiencing severe discomfort or don’t see improvement within 3-5 days, consult a dermatologist for advanced treatment options.

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